Over 31,000 dengue cases and 36 related deaths in India between January 1st to July 31st, 2023 surely draw our attention to look for the best ways of mosquito prevention. These tiny blood-suckers can easily enter your homes to bite you day in and day out. So, every effort should be made for mosquito control at home.


Most of us rely on mosquito repellents to get rid of mosquitoes at home. Thankfully, we do have a variety of such mosquito killers for homes available in the market. If not for dengue, malaria or chikungunya, then also these pesky pests are intolerable for the irritating buzzing and bites they cause. 


We understand your concern about keeping yourself and your family safe from mosquito bites, so we will present the 8 best ways to get rid of mosquitoes in this post. Stay glued to this article to learn about the best mosquito killer for your home. 


AutoMos - Mosquito Repellent Machines



Order HiCare AutoMos - The Best Mosquito Killer Machine for Home


Your search for the best way to kill mosquitoes ends with AutoMos, India’s 1st automatic mosquito repellent dispenser. Offering you a hassle-free one-time installation and automatic battery-operated operation, AutoMos is safe for everyone at home. It uses 12% Transflutrhin and one original AutoMos refill lasts for a good 90 days, which makes it one of the most affordable mosquito repellents in the Indian market. 


There indeed are several ways to prevent mosquitoes at home, but are they all equally effective? When the risk is high and the whole country is in the grip of rising dengue cases, there is no time for trying different things, you need sureshot ways! So, here are 8 surefire ways to keep mosquitoes out of your home.


8 Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes at Home


  1. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents
  2. Maintain Proper Airflow Inside Your Home
  3. Install AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Machine
  4. Use Mosquito and Fly Catcher Machines
  5. Hire Professionals for a Mosquito Control Treatment
  6. Avoid Drying Clothes Indoors
  7. Reduce Outdoor Lighting
  8. Use Garlic and Pepper


1. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents


Although we do not guarantee 100% mosquito prevention, yet we can suggest you to try some natural mosquito repellents that might work. Such as lemongrass, lavender, citronella essential oils, coffee, basil, and camphor to keep mosquitoes away from your home. 


2. Maintain Proper Airflow Inside Your Home


Do you know that mosquitoes are poor flyers? Why not use this weakness against them to prevent their entry into our homes? For this, ensure proper airflow using high-speed ceiling fans, coolers, or air conditioners to keep the risk of mosquito bites at home low. 


3. Install AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Machine


If you want 24x7 mosquito protection even with open windows, then you just have to install the new AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenseron one of your walls. It releases 4 times less chemicals and releases no smell to keep dengue mosquitoes away. 


4. Use Mosquito and Fly Catcher Machines


Markets these days are full of insect repellents, so you can easily pick a good quality mosquito and fly catcher machine for your home. Get one that kills them with no zapping sound and 30% more efficiency like the ones offered by HiCare. 


5. Hire Professionals for a Mosquito Control Treatment


If you are short of time to try any of the remedies shared here, we suggest you consult a pest control companyfor a professional mosquito control treatment at home. HiCare offers India’s 1st and the best 3x Mosquito Pest Control Treatment.


6. Avoid Drying Clothes Indoors


If you have a habit of drying clothes inside your home and not on your balconies or terrace, then stop doing it right away. These wet and damp clothes often attract mosquitoes inside your home. 


7. Reduce Outdoor Lighting


Those bright-coloured white light bulbs you have installed at your home’s main entrance may also be a hidden cause of mosquitoes entering your abode. So, try replacing white lights with yellow or LED lights that are less attractive to mosquitoes. 


8. Use Garlic and Pepper


Some natural ingredients found in our kitchen can help deter mosquitoes and other bugs. For instance, garlic and pepper! The pungent smell of garlic and the spicy smell of pepper are not tolerable to mosquitoes if you use them in the form of a home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes. 




HiCare, India’s 1st digitally integrated pest solution provider knows how to keep mosquitoes, cockroaches, bed bugs, termites, and rodents away from your home. The company with a rich legacy of 30 years uses less chemicals and offers pest solutions with a holistic approach. It offers the best mosquito control treatments and products like 3X Mosquito Control Treatment and AutoMos that can help you stay in a mosquito-free home without the risk of diseases spread by mosquitoes.




1. How can I prevent mosquitoes from entering my home for effective home mosquito control?


To keep mosquitoes out of your home, consider installing screens on windows and doors, using mosquito nets around beds, and sealing any gaps or cracks in doors and windows. These measures act as physical barriers to prevent mosquitoes from entering your living spaces.


2. Are there specific plants that can help in home mosquito control?


Yes, certain plants like citronella, lavender, and basil have mosquito-repelling properties. Placing these plants near windows or entrances can naturally deter mosquitoes. However, relying solely on plants may not be sufficient, so it's recommended to combine this with other preventive measures.


3. How effective are mosquito repellents in controlling mosquitoes at home?


Mosquito repellents, whether applied on the skin or used as sprays indoors, can be effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay. Look for products containing DEET or other recommended ingredients. It's important to follow the product instructions for proper and safe use.


4. What role does standing water play in attracting mosquitoes to homes?


Standing water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. To control mosquitoes in and around your home, eliminate any stagnant water sources, such as in flowerpots, bird baths, or clogged gutters. Regularly empty and clean these areas to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.


5. Can changing my lighting choices help in home mosquito control?


Yes, mosquitoes are attracted to certain types of lighting, particularly incandescent bulbs. Consider using LED or yellow bug lights that are less attractive to mosquitoes. Additionally, turning off unnecessary lights when not needed can reduce mosquito activity around your home.