The buzzing of a mosquito is the most irritating thing on the planet, especially when one wants a good night's nap. What is more dangerous is that the buzzing comes with the risk of mosquitoes biting you and causing you diseases like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. 


As part of mosquito prevention, most of us use mosquito repellents. But sometimes, we save ourselves from mosquito bites but end up receiving some side effects due to prolonged exposure to mosquito repellents. 


So, how to save yourself from mosquitoes and the harmful effects of mosquito repellents? This post aims to deal with all such concerns. During our discussion, we will also reveal the name of the best mosquito repellent for the home. So, stay tuned and read on!


Use AutoMos - The Safest Mosquito Killer Machine


Forget trying any DIY  mosquito control trick or natural mosquito repellents! Bring home the AutoMos Starter Pack, which comprises the most effective mosquito repellent machine and its original refill which works automatically. It is the safest mosquito repellent machine because it doesn’t release any smell that irritates and emits 4 times less chemicals. Your kids, parents, pregnant wife and pets will be safe when you use AutoMos inside your home.


Even the best of mosquito killers may end up causing you some side effects. So, what to do to minimize such harmful effects of mosquito repellents while trying to eliminate mosquitoes? Here are a few tips.


7 Tips to Save Yourself from Mosquitoes and Side Effects of Mosquito Repellents


  1. Use AutoMos Mosquito Killer for Home
  2. Book HiCare 3X Mosquito Control Treatment
  3. Use Mosquito and Fly Catcher Machines
  4. Choose a Safe Mosquito Repellent
  5. Use Sparingly
  6. Do Patch Test and Avoid Overapplication
  7. Try Natural Mosquito Repellents as Alternatives


1. Use AutoMos Mosquito Killer for Home


AutoMos Machinehas emerged asthe best mosquito repellent for home within 1 year of its launch by HiCare. It is an ultimate mosquito control product that releases no smell, or fumes when in operation. It is 100% safe for everyone at home, be it the elderly, children, pregnant ladies or pets. It uses 12% Transfluthrin in its original AutoMos Refill, which is a safe ingredient to repel mosquitoes.


2. Book HiCare 3X Mosquito Control Treatment


The other best option for you to save yourself from mosquitoes and the harmful effects of mosquito repellents is by seeking help from the professional team of HiCare. Book the revolutionary 3X Mosquito Control Treatmentfrom HiCare and get smart water, walls, and air to deter mosquitoes at home in an eco-friendly way. 


3. Use Mosquito and Fly Catcher Machines


Another chemical-free way of killing mosquitoes that is not all harmful to you is by installing fly and insect catcher machines. These use UV lamps to attract these bugs and kill them with an electric grid instantly as soon as they touch it. 


4. Choose a Safe Mosquito Repellent


Always look at the label and ingredients when picking a mosquito repellent. Select one that is approved and recommended bt the health authorities and contains safe ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil.


5. Use Sparingly


Since all the mosquito repellent lotions, creams, and ointments are artificially made using some or the other chemicals. We advise you to use them sparingly to minimize the chances of side effects.


6. Do Patch Test and Avoid Overapplication


If you have sensitive skin, we advise you to first do a patch test with the mosquito repellent cream or lotion and use it if you do not experience any skin irritation. Also, avoid overapplication to stay safe from its possible side effects.


7. Try Natural Mosquito Repellents as Alternatives


It is always good to look out for natural alternatives to artificial mosquito repellents to play it safe against mosquitoes. Try natural ingredients such as camphor, coffee, garlic, lemongrass, citronella, and so on to deter mosquitoes with their strong smells. 


6 Harmful Effects of Mosquito Repellents


Although mosquito repellents available in the market claim to be safe, how safe are they? Users sometimes experience mild to moderate side effects using mosquito repellents when they use them excessively or choose unsafe ones. Listed below are some possible side effects of mosquito repellents:


1.     Allergic Reactions

2.     Eye Irritation

3.     Skin Irritation

4.     Respiratory Issues

5.     Neurological Effects

6.     Chemical Sensitivity




HiCare, India’s 1st digitally integrated pest solution provider understands how important it is to keep mosquitoes away in a way that is safe for the people living in a home and the environment as a whole. Some of the best things HiCare has done in this regard are launching the AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenser and offering 3X Mosquito Control Treatment. So get either of these two or both to protect yourself from mosquitoes and the harmful effects of mosquito repellents.