Mosquitoes enter our homes for several reasons. These are species that are primarily driven by their search for a blood meal and suitable breeding sites. Unfortunately, they find the best combo of both in our homes! So, does that mean we allow them to enter our homes and suck the blood out of us?


The fact that a majority of us use different types of mosquito repellents is a testimony in itself that we don’t want to fall prey to mosquito bites. So, which is the best mosquito killer in the market and how to make your home less attractive to mosquitoes? 


You will get the right answers to all these questions in this post! So, don’t go anywhere and read this complete article to learn how to get rid of mosquitoes from home!


Use AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Machine


Introduced a year ago, AutoMos, from the house of HiCare is the best mosquito killer machine for home. This is a battery-operated compact mosquito repellent device that sets you free of mosquitoes as well as the hassles of switching it ON/OFF before and after every use. 


What makes AutoMos Machine, the best way to kill mosquitoes is its capability to keep mosquitoes and even flies away with open windows and doors. Not only this, unlike other mosquito repellents, it doesn’t release any pungent smell or fumes that may cause you any side effects! So, it is a 100% safe mosquito repellent for your home.


Mosquito control is all about using the best mosquito repellents and preventive measures. Listed below are 10 ways to make your home less attractive to mosquitoes.


10 Ways to Make Home Less Attractive for Mosquitoes


  1. Use Homemade Mosquito Repellents
  2. Install AutoMos Mosquito Killer Machine
  3. Book Mosquito Control Treatments
  4. Avoid Floral Perfumes and Scents
  5. Place Mosquito Repellent Indoor Plants
  6. Repair Leaky Faucets
  7. Maintain Swimming Pools
  8. Mosquito-Proof Ventilation
  9. Declutter and Clean Your Home
  10. Trim Your Gardens


1. Use Homemade Mosquito Repellents


For ages, we have been usingnatural mosquito repellents to repel mosquitoes and prevent their bites. Some of the easily available home ingredients that can repel mosquitoes are camphor, clove, peppermint, coffee, garlic, onion, and so on. 


2. Install AutoMos Mosquito Killer Machine


Ensure 24x7 mosquito protection with the best mosquito repellent machine in the market, called HiCare AutoMos. Order the AutoMos Starter Packnow and set yourself free from the mosquito menace for 90 days with just one refill that doesn’t emit any smell or fumes.


3. Book Mosquito Control Treatments


Why to take the pain and feel there is no gain in mosquito control? Simply consult the expert HiCare team for a professional residential mosquito pest control service. The company offers warranty-backed services and uses less chemicals to turn your home into a mosquito-free zone.


4. Avoid Floral Perfumes and Scents


Mosquitoes are bugs that are particularly fond of floral smells, so avoid using such smells if you really wish to make yourself and your home less attractive to mosquitoes. 


5. Place Mosquito Repellent Indoor Plants


You will forget to search for mosquito killers if you choose the right plants that help repel these bugs. Take for instance, marigold, peppermint, basil, lemongrass, and so on. However, avoid overwatering these plants, or else they might attract mosquitoes instead of repelling them. 


6. Repair Leaky Faucets


Mosquitoes are attracted towards water, so every effort should be made to repair all the leaky pipes and faucets inside your home to prevent these flying monsters. The idea is to remove standing water where mosquitoes may lay eggs. 


7. Maintain Swimming Pools


If you have a swimming pool, then you are more likely to experience a heavy mosquito infestation inside your home from the pool. So, don’t let this happen and for this, you must maintain the pool with proper chemicals and chlorine so that mosquitoes don't lay eggs there. 


8. Mosquito-Proof Ventilation


Mosquitoes and flies are common insects that hardly take a second to enter your home from any open vent, window or door. While it is important to get that fresh air from these places, it is equally important that you mosquito-proof these ventilation spots using window screens and meshes. 


9. Declutter and Clean Your Home


It is equally important to keep your home clutter-free and clean if you want to repel mosquitoes and other bugs like cockroaches, bed bugs, and rodents. All these pests tend to look for places full of clutter to hide inside your home.


10. Trim Your Gardens


Last of all, if you have a garden outside your home, pay attention to maintaining it too! Keep your bushes and grasses trimmed to avoid mosquitoes hiding out in the shady and overgrown areas of your lawn. 



In a nutshell, we assume you just grasped a lot of ideas about how to make your home mosquito-free. It is time you implement some of them or else leave the task of making your home mosquito-free to experts like HiCare. It is a trusted name in pest control and digital hygiene and offers India’s 1st 3X Mosquito Control Treatment for homeand innovative mosquito control products like AutoMos.