A small fly can make you go crazy! Good things often come in small packages, but sometimes we experience nuisance in small sizes! Take, for instance, tiny flies around us posing health threats and troubling us with their constant buzzing.


There are various types of flies around us, while some are just a nuisance and don’t pose a health threat, some act as vectors transmitting disease-causing bacteria to make us sick. 


So, where do flies come from and what are the diseases caused by flies? You will get answers to all such questions about flying insects in this post, so stay tuned and read this entire post. 


Install Fly Insect Catchers to Get Rid of Flying Bugs


If you ever searched on what are flies attracted to, you must have found that these species are attracted towards UV light. The concept of fly catcher machines is based on this concept of attracting flies toward UV light and killing them on a single touch with a high voltage current. But, not all fly catchers are as effective as they claim. So, buy the highly efficient Fly Catcher Machine from HiCare. Designed for durable use and capable of killing flies with no zapping sound, these machines are equipped with UV lamps made in the UK. 


Popular HiCare Fly Catcher Machine Range


Options are galore when it comes to picking a fly and insect catcher machine from the house of HiCare:


·      HiCare FLY Kill Zapper Machine Small

·      HiCare FLY Kill Zapper Machine Big

·      HiCare Trendy Fly Catcher Machine

·      HiCare Smart Fly & Insect Catcher Machine

·      HiCare Aura Fly & Insect Catcher Machine

·      HiCare Lite Fly and Insect Catcher Machine


So, now without wasting time let us acquaint you with the various types of flies and the common diseases spread by flies.


10 Different Types of Flies and Threat They Pose


  1. Housefly
  2. Fruitfly
  3. Blowfly
  4. Horsefly
  5. Drainfly
  6. Cluster Fly
  7. Gnats
  8. Stable Fly
  9. Sand Fly
  10. Moth Fly


1. Housefly


It is a fly belonging to the Musca domestica family. These are the most commonly found flying insects around the world that are as small as a grain of rice. Grey in colour, houseflies are capable of laying 350-900 eggs in their entire lifespan. 


Threat: Houseflies are fond of feeding on human food and are commonly seen buzzing around the food we eat. The biggest threat of houseflies is that they can spread over 100 types of pathogens causing diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, salmonellosis and so on. Their tendency to defecate often also increases the chances of further bacterial spread. 


2. Fruitfly


It is a fly belonging to the Drosophila spp. These are common types of houseflies with a lifespan of 25 to 30 days. Fruitflies are tan or brown in colour and have red eyes. These are naturally attracted to rotting food material, especially fruits and vegetables.


Threat: The biggest risk of fruitflies is that they can contaminate your food with harmful bacteria. These are generally found in unhygienic conditions, so they have all the potential to make you fall sick by transmitting disease-causing pathogens. 


3. Blowfly


It is a fly belonging to the Calliphoridae family. Also, known as bluebottles, greenbottles and carrion flies, blowflies are attracted to dead animals and decaying matter. Blowflies are generally blue or green in colour and are capable of laying eggs on meat and carcasses. 


Threat: Since blowflies are found near decaying organic matter, they pose an indirect threat to human health. Their presence hints at unhygienic conditions of a place, which need to be maintained in order to prevent diseases like cholera, typhoid, and salmonellosis. 


4. Horsefly


It is a fly belonging to the Tabanidae family. Horseflies are large biting flies commonly found near water bodies. They are blackish or greyish in colour and strong fliers capable of flying for over 30 miles.


Threat: The biggest risk of horseflies is that they act as vectors transmitting various harmful disease-causing bacteria. Their bite can also cause allergic reactions and persistent itching and pain.


5. Drainfly


It is a fly belonging to the Psychodidae family. Also known as, the sink flies or sewer flies, dragonflies are often found near pools of stagnant water or organic material. People often get confused between fruit flies and drain flies due to their identical resemblance.


Threat: Drain flies are more of a nuisance than a direct health threat. They do not actually transmit diseases, but their presence is indicative of unhygienic conditions in the surroundings. They exist near clogged drains and standing water. 


6. Cluster Fly


Cluster flies are slightly larger than houseflies and have a distinctive golden-brown color. They often seek shelter indoors during colder months, forming clusters in attics and wall voids. 


Threat: Cluster flies are more of a nuisance than direct threats. However, their presence indoors may indicate potential sanitation issues, and they can carry pathogens from surfaces, potentially compromising hygiene. 


7. Gnats


Gnats are small, delicate flies that resemble tiny mosquitoes. They can be found both indoors and outdoors and are attracted to damp environments.


Threat: Some species of gnats can transmit diseases and contribute to the annoyance of bites. Their presence may pose health risks, especially in regions where diseases carried by gnats are prevalent. 


8. Stable Fly


Resembling the common housefly, stable flies have a distinctive piercing mouthpart. They are often found around livestock and can bite humans. 


Threat: Stable flies feed on the blood of animals, causing pain and discomfort. Their bites can lead to open sores, and they can transmit diseases as they move between hosts. 


9. Sand Fly


Sand flies are small, tan insects with hairy bodies, typically found in sandy areas. They are active during the evening and night.


Threat: Sand flies are vectors for diseases such as leishmaniasis, transmitted through their bites. They pose a significant health risk to humans and animals in regions where these diseases are prevalent.


10. Moth Fly


Moth flies are small, dark flies with a distinctive fuzzy appearance. They are often found in damp areas, such as sewage systems and drains.


Threat: Moth flies themselves do not transmit diseases, but their presence may indicate unsanitary conditions. Addressing the underlying sanitation issues is crucial to prevent potential health risks associated with poor hygiene. 




Having read so much about the diseases caused by houseflies and other flying insects, we assume you must be eager to know how to prevent these housefly diseases. You can keep all types of flying insects and mosquitoes away by installing a good-quality fly catcher machine from the house of HiCare. Available in all ranges and types, fly catcher machines from HiCare kill flies with no zapping sound. So, order now and turn your premise into a no-fly zone!




1. Which flies are harmful?


Flies that are commonly considered harmful include the housefly (Musca domestica) and blowfly (Calliphoridae). These flies are known vectors for various diseases, as they thrive in unsanitary conditions and can transmit pathogens from contaminated surfaces to food and living spaces.


2. How do you identify different types of flies?


Identifying different types of flies involves observing key physical characteristics such as size, color, wing pattern, and body shape. Specific features like the number of wings, leg structures, and habitat preferences can aid in accurate identification. Field guides, online resources, and professional pest control services can be valuable tools for distinguishing between various fly species.


3. What are the most common types of flies?


The most common types of flies include the housefly, fruit fly, blowfly, and gnats. Houseflies are prevalent in both urban and rural areas, while fruit flies are often found near ripening fruits. Blowflies are associated with decaying matter, and gnats can be widespread in various environments, both indoors and outdoors.


4. What are the 4 methods of controlling houseflies?


·      Sanitation:Proper waste management and cleanliness are crucial to eliminate breeding grounds for houseflies. Regularly dispose of garbage, clean food spills, and maintain hygienic conditions in and around the home.

·       Use of Traps: Fly traps, both homemade and commercially available, can be effective in reducing housefly populations. These traps attract and capture flies, helping to control their numbers.

·       Insecticides: Insecticidal sprays, baits, or powders designed for houseflies can be used as a targeted measure. Care should be taken to follow product instructions and use them in areas where flies are most problematic.

·       Biological Control: Introducing natural predators, such as parasitic wasps or nematodes, can be an eco-friendly method to control houseflies. These predators help keep fly populations in check by targeting their larvae.


5. What is the most harmful fly?


The housefly (Musca domestica) is considered the most harmful fly due to its association with unsanitary environments. These flies are notorious for carrying and transmitting various disease-causing microorganisms. Frequenting places like garbage and sewage, houseflies pick up pathogens that can be transferred to human food and living spaces, posing a risk of diseases such as gastroenteritis and food poisoning. Their close proximity to human habitats makes them a significant concern for public health.