Are flies creating a nuisance for your staff and guests in your restaurant? No matter, how delicious the food you serve and how beautiful your restaurant ambience is, all will shatter in a second if your customers experience disturbance from flies!


So, you can not take the risk of taking flies lightly, especially if you are running a food outlet like a restaurant or a bar. Now, the question comes how to get rid of flies? Well, the best approach is regular pest control but there are some other ways too!


Still, pondering how to keep flies away from restaurants and bars? The best way to get rid of flies is by installing a good-quality fly and insect catcher machine. What else can you do to keep flies away from food outlets? For this, you must read this entire article and grab 7 tips to get rid of flies. Besides, we will also acquaint you with the best fly catcher machine for restaurants, so stay tuned!


Choose a Fly Catcher Machine from HiCare


HiCare is known not only for its efficient Pest control services but also for offering powerful pest control products such as fly catchers. If you want a perfect device to keep flies away from your food outlet, HiCare has many options to offer you! The company has not one but six different types of fly and insect catcher machines specially designed for commercial use. 


Most of these fly catchers from the house of HiCare come with UV lamps made in the UK and offer wide area coverage using minimum power and no chemicals at all. All these fly catcher machines from HiCare kill flying insects with no zapping sound and need minimum maintenance. 


The Best Fly Catcher Machines for Restaurants and Bars


Get rid of flies in your restaurant or bar by installing the best fly catchers from the house of HiCare:


·      HiCare Lite Fly and Insect Catcher Machine

·      HiCare Aura Fly & Insect Catcher Machine

·      HiCare FLY Kill Zapper Machine Small

·      HiCare FLY Kill Zapper Machine Big

·      HiCare Trendy Fly Catcher Machine

·      HiCare Smart Fly & Insect Catcher Machine


Keeping flies out of restaurants and bars is no rocket science. All it needs is a combination of fly preventive measures, good hygiene, and a powerful device. Here are 7 best ways to help you run a fly-free food outlet.


7 Ways to Keep Flies Away from Restaurants and Bars


  1. Installing Fly and Insect Catcher Machines
  2. Regular Cleaning
  3. Book Pest Control Services
  4. Proper Waste Management
  5. Educate Staff
  6. Use Diffusers with Essential Oils
  7. Install Fly and Mosquito Screens


1. Installing Fly and Insect Catcher Machines


The best way, as we mentioned earlier to get rid of flies is by installing a high-quality fly and insect catcher machine. You will get plenty of options to choose from HiCare. 


2. Regular Cleaning


A clean restaurant is less likely to face fly problems. So, ensure cleaning your restaurant properly daily. It would be best to hire professionals for a commercial cleaning service at regular intervals to fill the gaps in cleaning.


3. Book Pest Control Services


Ensure booking regular commercial pest control services for restaurants to keep not just flies but other pests away from your food outlet. Consider booking the same from pioneers like HiCare, 


4. Proper Waste Management


Proper disposal of garbage in trash bins is crucial to prevent flies from infesting inside your restaurant. Try using specially formulated OXO BinCare Biodegradable Garbage Bags that are made using pest-repellent technology to aid in preventing flies and cockroaches from infesting your restaurant. 


5. Educate Staff


Make sure to train your staff about the importance of sanitation and cleanliness. Teach them the right ways of keeping the restaurant clean to minimize the chances of fly infestation. 


6. Use Diffusers with Essential Oils


A smart DIY hack to keep flies out of your eatery is to use a diffuser and add a few drops of essential oils like citronella, lemongrass, mint, or eucalyptus. 


7. Install Fly and Mosquito Screens


Last but not least way to prevent flies from entering your restaurant is install fly screens on doors and windows. These help prevent these species from entering your outlet. 




So, it is clear that the best way to get rid of flies is by using a fly catcher machine. You will find various types of fly catcher machines available in the market, but if you wish to get the best results, go for a HiCare Fly Catcher Machine. Affordable, effective, and long-lasting, these insect catchers from HiCare are efficient in killing all types of flying insects that too without causing any zapping sound.