In India, the mosquito population seems to be at its peak during the monsoon season. Several puddles and overgrown grasses due to the rain showers are the main culprits to increase this mosquito activity and growth. It in turn makes way for the increase in the number of dengue mosquitoes, and as a result, we hear about a surge in dengue fever cases in most parts of the country. 


But does that mean that you need to be afraid of mosquitoes and look for mosquito control methods only during the monsoons? No, for this, you need to be well aware of how weather affects mosquito activity in a country like India. 


Learn all about mosquito information and activity for different seasons by reading this complete post. 


AutoMos - Mosquito Repellent Machines



What Attracts Mosquitoes the Most?


Before we examine the role of weather on mosquito activity, we want you to be aware of the prime things and factors that attract these pests. So, here is a list of things that attract mosquitoes of all types:


1.     Carbon Dioxide

2.     Water

3.     Warmth

4.     Specific Smells 

5.     Greenery

6.     Darker Shades

7.     Blood Group


Pests like mosquitoes show different activity and growth patterns in varied seasons. In many cases, the lifespan, such as the dengue mosquito lifespan, also depends on the different seasons.


So, let us understand how mosquitoes behave in different seasons.


Mosquito Activity in 5 Different Seasons


  1. Winter Season
  2. Spring Season
  3. Summer Season
  4. Monsoon Season
  5. Autumn Season


1. Winter Season


Mosquitoes generally tend to be pretty slow in the cold weather. They prefer warmth to be active and tend to hibernate during the winter season. In winter, mosquitoes try to look out for safer places to hibernate as they are not able to survive below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 


2. Spring Season


The onset of the spring season is like a wake-up call for mosquitoes. It is because the temperature in the spring season starts rising and mosquitoes start appearing everywhere in the surroundings gearing up to attack and breed. 


3. Summer Season


India is a country that experiences active mosquito season in the summers due to warm weather. They come out of their hibernation during the summer season to breed and feed themselves with warm blood. The summer season is also a season of diseases, and the most common of these diseases are vector-borne diseases. 


4. Monsoon Season


Rainy season is the most active dengue mosquito time. Not just the dengue mosquito, all types of mosquitoes and other insects are most active during the rainy season that shoots up the humidity levels, a thing much-desired by these species. 


5. Autumn Season


The mosquito activity is neither too high, nor too low during the fall season. The humidity level is low, so the mosquitoes start reducing in number, but we can’t say they aren’t active during the autumn season. In fact, in many parts of northern India, the mosquito population is higher in the autumn season as compared to the rainy season, Delhi. 


One thing must be clear to you by now and that is mosquito prevention is a serious thing that can’t be ignored. There are several ways to control mosquitoes, but we recommend doing so taking into account the season of the year for best effectiveness.


So, here we are sharing some useful tips for mosquito control for different seasons.


Best Mosquito Control Methods for 5 Different Seasons


  1. Winter Mosquito Control
  2. Spring Mosquito Control
  3. Summer Mosquito Control
  4. Monsoon Mosquito Control
  5. Autumn Mosquito Control


1. Winter Mosquito Control


The best defense against mosquitoes in the winter season is the weather itself. You can cuddle yourself in full-length clothes and stay protected without worrying about mosquito bites. You may also stay indoors avoiding both the harsh weather and mosquitoes outside.


2. Spring Mosquito Control


Spring season is the time when you can start looking for some effective mosquito repellent machines. You may try buying mosquito zappers, trappers, killing bats, and liquid vaporizers to keep the mosquitoes away. Try to keep your grasses outside trimmed to prevent mosquitoes from hiding there for a possible attack on you in the wee hours of the day. 


3. Summer Mosquito Control


When it is summertime and you want perfect mosquito protection, consider some home remedies for mosquito control. Try placing some mosquito-repelling plants like Marigold, Catnip, Citronella, or Peppermint. You may also install mosquito nets and screens on your windows to prevent these flying beasts from entering your premises. 


4. Monsoon Mosquito Control


You must not hurry to book a mosquito treatment in the rainy season. First, try removing all the standing water in and around your house that acts as a mosquito breeding ground. After this, try some natural mosquito repellents like garlic water spray, peppermint spray, and coffee grounds to ward off the danger of mosquito bites. 


5. Autumn Mosquito Control


The first useful tip for mosquito control in the fall season is to minimize your body exposure. Do not allow mosquitoes to bite you by wearing short-length clothes. Apply essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus to keep your skin hydrated and repel mosquitoes with their strong aroma. 




Booking a mosquito treatment is not the only option left for you to control the mosquitoes indoors. You can buy the new and most effective AutoMos Mosquito Repellent MachineWhen fitted with the Original AutoMos Refillthis dispenser machine will free you of all your mosquito woes 24x7. One refill can easily go up to 90 days. 

HiCare is offering several combos offers of AutoMos including refill combos and super saver combo packs. These AutoMos combo packs will allow you to protect yourself from mosquitoes in all seasons of the year. So, hurry and grab your combo in the launch offer and enjoy huge discounts.




1. How does temperature affect mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes are cold blooded insects and their body temperature is influenced by the temperature of their surroundings. As the temperature increases so does the mosquito's metabolism which leads to increased activity, faster development and higher survival rates. When temperatures drop mosquitoes become sluggish and their development slows down reducing their overall activity and survival rates.


2. What weather is favorable for mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes thrive in warm and humid weather with temperatures ranging from 80°F to 90°F (27°C to 32°C) being most favorable for their development and activity. They also prefer high humidity levels as it enables them to survive longer and breed more efficiently.


3. Why do mosquitoes disappear when raining?


Mosquitoes usually disappear during rain because heavy rainfall can wash away their breeding sites such as stagnant water sources which are essential for their reproduction. The heavy rain also causes a drop in temperature making it less favorable for their survival and activity. Mosquitoes are also not strong fliers and the strong winds associated with rain can make it difficult for them to fly and seek their prey.


4. Why are mosquitoes less in cold weather?


Mosquitoes are cold blooded insects and their activity and metabolism slow down significantly in cold weather. At temperatures below 50°F (10°C), mosquitoes become sluggish and are unable to fly mate or feed. The cold weather also affects their breeding sites such as ponds and other stagnant water sources reducing the chances of successful reproduction.


5. How does humidity affect mosquitoes?


High humidity levels are favorable for mosquitoes as it enables them to survive longer and breed more efficiently. Humid environments allow mosquitoes to retain moisture which is essential for their survival. Low humidity levels can cause mosquitoes to lose moisture, leading to dehydration and death. However excessively high humidity levels can cause breeding sites to dry out reducing the chances of successful reproduction.