People look up to all kinds of dengue prevention, especially during the active mosquito season. Different parts of the country experience a surge in dengue cases when mosquitoes are in their active mode. 


Although, winter is not one of those seasons when mosquitoes are found to be very active, we suggest you follow some dengue prevention tips in this season too. Certain health tips can help you avoid contracting dengue during the winter season. 


So, this post aims to enlighten you on how to avoid dengue in winter. You will learn all that is possible to do to stay safe during the dengue season, and what to do if you still get infected with this mosquito-borne disease. 


When is the Active Mosquito Season in India?


The most active mosquito season in India is during the monsoons from mid-July to mid-September. Experts believe that as the temperature drops, there is also a significant drop in mosquito menace all around the country. Yet, sometimes people continue contracting the disease even in winter. 


Why Try Dengue Precautions?


Dengue fever prevention is important in all seasons, be it winters, summers, or monsoons. Those who are careless might end up contracting the disease, and suffer the following dengue symptoms:


1.     High Fever

2.     Nausea

3.     Body, Muscle, and Joint Aches

4.     Vomiting

5.     Low Blood Platelet Count

6.     Dizziness

7.     Constant Headaches

8.     Skin Rashes

9.     Swollen Glands

10.  Loss of Appetite


Winter is a season when we feel like cuddling all day in our cozy blankets and quilts. Due to lack of movement and lower temperatures, all kinds of cases of flu and fevers tend to shoot up during the cold weather. The golden rule to stay fit and fine without contracting diseases like dengue is to eat healthy food and follow some prevention tips. 


Now is the time to discuss the effective preventive measures for dengue in the winter season.


Top 6 Ways to Prevent Dengue during the Winter Season


  1. Wear Tight and Full-Length Clothes
  2. Treat Stagnant Water
  3. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents
  4. Use Mosquito Repellent Products
  5. Be Less Attractive to the Mosquitoes
  6. Feed Yourself with Immunity Boosting Food


1. Wear Tight and Full-Length Clothes


The first and foremost tip to stay protected against diseases like dengue and malaria is by wearing full-length clothes. In the winter season, we tend to clad up from head to toe and this will become our best protection against mosquito bites for sure. 


2. Treat Stagnant Water


Wherever there is standing water, there is every possibility of dengue mosquitoes breeding and getting ready to attack you. So, why take chances? Either remove that stagnant water or treat it using insecticides or chemicals that kill the mosquito breeding deep inside. 


3. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents


Use the magical and trusted powers of nature to ward off any dangers of dengue fever. Use natural ingredients like garlic, onion, coffee, lavender, lemongrass, citronella, peppermint, basil, camphor, and neem oil to repel mosquitoes. There is no possibility of any side effects using any of these natural mosquito repellents.


4. Use Mosquito Repellent Products


We all usually rely on mosquito repellent products for the ultimate mosquito protection. We recommend you choose the product wisely that doesn’t pose any side effects on your health. For this, try using mosquito-killing bats, mosquito trappers, and zappers that don’t emit chemicals and kill or trap mosquitoes. 


5. Be Less Attractive to the Mosquitoes


The best way to prevent dengue in the winter season is by being less attractive to the mosquitoes. You might not know it, but mosquitoes prefer biting some people more than others because of specific smells, sweat, and other attractions like the O blood group. 


6. Feed Yourself with Immunity Boosting Food


When it's winter season and you want to stay fit and prevent chances of contracting diseases like dengue, it is important to boost your immunity. Go for all sorts of immunity-boosting foods to fill in your body with all the essential nutrients. Include foods like garlic, Indian gooseberry, citrus fruits like oranges, green leafy vegetables like spinach, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, and nuts like almonds.


Dengue Fever Precautions 


What if after following all the possible dengue fever prevention tips, you still get infected with dengue? In that case, the following dengue fever precaution tips will be helpful for you to restore your health:


1.     Drink lots of water and healthy fluids like soups, and fruit juices

2.     Take plenty of rest and do not exert

3.     Avoid eating junk and fried food

4.     Avoid eating spicy and outside food

5.     Eat freshly cooked light home food

6.     Include green vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet

7.     Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor

8.     Keep checking your body temperature and get tested for blood platelet count levels

9.     Gorge upon immunity-boosting food items like Indian gooseberry, honey, coconut water

10.  Use the best mosquito repellents to repel mosquitoes from biting again




In a nutshell, you just learned about the best health tips to avoid dengue in winter. But, if you do not want to take any chances with your health and suffer dengue or any other mosquito-borne disease, buy AutoMos. It is India’s 1st automatic mosquito repellent dispenser machine that offers 24x7 mosquito protection costing you just Rs. 5 per day. 

If you have already purchased the AutoMos machine, you can opt for the AutoMos Refill Combo Pack of 4 and get sorted with 365 days of mosquito protection. The best option for anyone keen to buy this best mosquito repellent machine is to book the AutoMos Supersaver Pack which comprises the machine and 4 original AutoMos refills.




1. Is dengue possible in winter?


Dengue is primarily a mosquito borne viral infection that is commonly associated with warmer climates. However dengue can still occur in some regions during the winter season especially in areas with mild temperatures. It should be emphasized that mosquitoes carrying dengue virus can survive in indoor environments, including homes and offices, as long as the temperature is warm enough for them to flourish.


2. What are 5 ways to prevent dengue?


Some ways to prevent dengue include:


·       Eliminating standing water sources where mosquitoes breed such as in flower pots, discarded tires and bird baths.

·       Using mosquito repellents and wearing protective clothing such as long sleeved shirts and pants.

·       Installing window and door screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes.

·       Seeking medical attention immediately if you experience dengue symptoms.

·       Supporting public health initiatives such as community clean up drives and mosquito control programs.


3. How can I prevent dengue at home naturally?


There are several natural ways to prevent dengue at home including:


·       Planting mosquito repellent plants such as lemongrass, citronella and lavender.

·       Burning neem leaves which have natural insecticidal properties.

·       Using mosquito nets while sleeping and covering water storage containers.

·       Maintaining good hygiene and keeping the surroundings clean to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

·       Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C such as oranges, lemons and papayas which can boost the immune system.


4. Which months do dengue cases peak?


Dengue cases typically peak during the rainy season, which varies depending on the region. In tropical areas dengue cases are more common during the monsoon season which generally occurs between July and September. However, in some regions such as in Southeast Asia dengue outbreaks can occur throughout the year.


5. Which month does dengue end?


There is no specific month when dengue ends as the disease can occur throughout the year in some regions. However dengue cases tend to decline during the cooler months in areas where the disease is endemic. It is crucial to keep in mind that measures to prevent dengue should be consistently implemented all year round to avoid the spread of the disease.