Whether you agree or not, mosquitoes do trouble most of us living in India. You can prevent bites from these tiny flying beasts by using an effective mosquito killer. But some people do not want to spend money on readymade mosquito repellent machines and their refills now and then. 


So, what about creating your own natural mosquito repellent that works? Yes, it is possible with easily available home ingredients in a few easy steps. You can make the best natural mosquito repellent to safeguard yourself and your family against mosquito bites. 


This post aims to help you make your own natural mosquito killer for your home. Besides guiding you on how to make and use natural mosquito repellents for your home, we will acquaint you with the best mosquito repellent in India available in the market. So, stay tuned and read on!


Let us first discuss the reason why anyone should try a natural mosquito killer at home. Why is using natural ingredients to repel mosquitoes better than trying the ones available in the market? Here are some top benefits of using natural mosquito killers.


AutoMos - Mosquito Repellent Machines



Top 5 Benefits of Natural Mosquito Repellents


  1. Affordable
  2. Easy to Use
  3. Safe to Use
  4. Eco-friendly
  5. Pleasant Aroma


1. Affordable


The prime benefit of using a homemade mosquito repellent is that it is cheaper than the ones sold in the market. You save a lot of money by replacing your chemical-loaded mosquito killers with natural mosquito repellents. 


2. Easy to Use


The second major advantage of trying a natural mosquito repellent is that it is quite easy to use. There is no need to insert or replace refills or charge the mosquito repellent. You can prepare it once, and use it for a long period. 


3. Safe to Use


Not just easy to use, natural ingredients such as mosquito killers are safe to use for kids and adults alike. They are chemical-free and therefore, you need not worry about any side effects using these mosquito repellents. 


4. Eco-friendly


Since homemade mosquito killers are free of chemicals like DEET, they are eco-friendly. Moreover, to prepare these, no one gets hurt and they often help to repel mosquitoes and not kill them, so they are cruelty-free too. 


5. Pleasant Aroma


Another big plus point of using a natural mosquito killer for home is that it often leaves behind a pleasant aroma inside your home. Be it lavender oil, tea-tree oil, camphor, coffee grounds, or peppermint; all such natural ingredients used as mosquito repellents make your home aromatic. 


We know some people neither want to rely on readymade mosquito killers for home nor what to try a mosquito net repellent to prevent mosquito bites. So, for such people we will now describe some easy procedures to make your own natural mosquito repellent.


5 Best Ways to Make a Natural Mosquito Repellent


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Mosquito Repellent
  2. Coconut Oil Mosquito Repellent
  3. Lemon Juice Mosquito Killer
  4. Neem and Peppermint Mosquito Repellent
  5. Beer and Mouthwash Mosquito Spray


1. Apple Cider Vinegar Mosquito Repellent


Use apple cider vinegar as the best mosquito killer for the bedroom. Once made, a bottle of apple cider vinegar mosquito spray will last for at least two weeks.  




·       ½ cup of apple cider vinegar

·       ½ cup of plain water




Mix an equal quantity of apple cider vinegar with water. Fill it in a spray bottle and use it as a homemade mosquito repellent spray. Make sure to shake it well before every use.


2. Coconut Oil Mosquito Repellent


You can protect yourself from dengue mosquitoes by applying coconut oil to your skin. Use the same power of coconut oil to prepare a natural mosquito repellent.




·       3 tablespoons of coconut oil

·       15-20 drops of essential oil




Take coconut oil in an air-tight jar and add essential oil such as lavender, tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus essential oil. Close the jar and shake it well. The sweet smell of coconut oil and the strong aroma of essential oil, when applied on the skin, will keep the mosquitoes away. 


3. Lemon Juice Mosquito Killer


Mosquitoes simply hate the citrus smells and therefore, lemon juice works best as a natural mosquito repellent. 




·       Juice of 2 fresh lemons

·       1.5 cups of plain water




Mix lemon juice and water in a saucepan. Boil this mixture and let it cool down to room temperature. Fill it in a spray bottle and use it as an effective homemade mosquito spray. Make sure not to use it around your eyes or wounds.


4. Neem and Peppermint Mosquito Repellent


Both peppermint and neem emit strong pungent smells that mosquitoes can’t tolerate at all. Using a mix of both, therefore, acts as a wonderful homemade mosquito repellent. 




·       1/3 cup of neem oil

·       1/3 cup of peppermint oil




Add both pungent oils in an airtight container. Put the lid and shake it well until the two mix completely. Apply a generous amount of this natural mosquito repellent lotion on your skin and enjoy mosquito protection for up to 6 hours. 


5. Beer and Mouthwash Mosquito Spray


The strange concoction of beer and mouthwash acts as a perfect mosquito repellent for home. Interestingly, often both these items are available at home to make this amazing mosquito spray. 




·       a half bottle of mint-flavored mouthwash

·       ½ cup of beer

·       1 cup of epsom salt




Mix all these three ingredients in a bowl until the salt dissolves completely. Pour the mixture into an empty spray bottle and shake it well. Your homemade beer and mouthwash mosquito spray is ready to repel the mosquitoes instantly.



Buy AutoMos Starter Pack from HiCare for just Rs. 999 and forget about making your own natural mosquito repellent. AutoMos is the best Original AutoMos Refill of 4 Pack for 365 mosquito-free days.




1. What is the best way to make mosquito repellent?


There are various ways to make mosquito repellent at home. One of the simplest ways is to mix a few drops of essential oils such as citronella, lavender etc with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil and apply it on your skin.


2. How do you use natural mosquito repellent?


Natural mosquito repellent can be used by applying it to your skin or clothing. You can also use mosquito repellent candles, incense sticks or diffusers that contain essential oils to keep mosquitoes away from your surroundings.


3. Why is natural mosquito repellent better?


Natural mosquito repellents are considered better than chemical repellents as they are safer for human health and the environment. They are made from natural ingredients such as essential oils and do not contain harmful chemicals which can cause skin irritation and other health issues.


4. Do natural mosquito repellents work?


Natural mosquito repellents have been found to be effective in repelling mosquitoes for a short period. However they may not be as effective as chemical repellents and you may need to reapply them frequently to maintain their effectiveness.


5. What oil is a natural mosquito repellent?


Essential oils such as citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemon and tea tree are natural mosquito repellents. These oils have a strong aroma that can mask the smell of carbon dioxide and other compounds that attract mosquitoes.