Though quite small in size, mosquitoes can make you restless day in and day out. As the summer is approaching, the time for mosquitoes to breed at a rapid speed is approaching too. Yes, it does make sense to consider various ways of mosquito control, but what about putting a tab on their breeding?


For this, you must first consider where, when, and how mosquitoes breed. Taking into account this useful information can help you plan whether you want to book a mosquito control service or you try something else to stop mosquitoes from breeding.  


You can get rid of mosquitoes breeding inside your home with an efficient mosquito pest control service. But is that all you can do to prevent mosquito breeding? There are a couple of tips that can be helpful to prevent these flying and biting bugs from multiplying near your home.


Stay tuned to this post and read it whole to grasp some practical ways of controlling mosquitoes and their breeding. We will also introduce you to a new and very effective product for mosquito control inside your home.


When do Mosquitoes Breed?


First of all, you must note that mosquitoes breed when the temperature is favorable for them. Mosquitoes start getting active for reproduction in the summer season. They are very active to breed in the rainy season when there is warmth and humidity in the environment. They wait for this kind of climate to come out and reproduce their offspring.


Where do Mosquitoes Breed?


Mosquitoes prefer breeding in standing water. Perhaps, this is the reason for them to breed at a rapid speed in the rainy season that leaves behind several water puddles. Therefore, if one wants to prevent mosquito breeding, it is important to remove all standing water to discourage mosquitoes from breeding there.


Do you know that at a time mosquitoes can lay up to 100 eggs? If you wish to wipe out mosquitoes from your home, you must try whatever is possible to stop them from breeding. Try the following precautionary ways to stop your home from turning into a mosquito breeding ground.


Top 8 Ways to Prevent Mosquito Breeding Inside Your Home


  1. Avoid Using Floral-Scented Products
  2. Use Covered Garbage Bins
  3. Keep Toilet Lids Closed
  4. Avoid Overwatering Your Indoor Plants
  5. Make Space for Some Sunlight
  6. Keep Gutters Clean
  7. Maintain Swimming Pools
  8. Use Larvicides


1. Avoid Using Floral-Scented Products


Floral scents are pleasant not for human beings, but for mosquitoes as well. Mosquitoes are aroma-sensitive pests and are quite fond of floral scents. So, try to avoid using floral-scented products, especially during the mosquito breeding season.


2. Use Covered Garbage Bins


Be it mosquitoes or cockroaches, open bins can act as open invitations for all types of pests. Using garbage bins without a lid means a higher chance of scattering waste around the bin. Due to this unwanted scattering of waste, mosquitoes, and flies can speed up their breeding.


3. Keep Toilet Lids Closed


You may not know but keeping the toilet lid open is not at all hygienic. Not only will it spread the germs out of the toilet with every flush, but it also allows mosquitoes to breed inside the pot. So, ensure to keep the toilet lids closed after every use.


4. Avoid Overwatering Your Indoor Plants


Prevent mosquito breeding inside your home by avoiding overwatering your indoor plants. It would be better to use a spray bottle to sprinkle limited water on the plants to avoid mosquito breeding out there.


5. Make Space for Some Sunlight


You may not know, but sunlight can prevent your house from becoming a mosquito breeding ground. For this, allow sunlight to enter your house by keeping your curtains and windows open. Remember, that mosquitoes and germs hate to stay in the sunlight.


6. Keep Gutters Clean


Clogged gutters can hold stagnant water and provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Regularly clean your gutters to ensure water flows freely and doesn't accumulate.


7. Maintain Swimming Pools


Keep your swimming pool properly maintained by cleaning it regularly and ensuring the water is chlorinated. A well-maintained pool will not provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


8. Use Larvicides


Use mosquito larvicides in areas where standing water cannot be eliminated, such as ponds or bird baths. These products kill mosquito larvae before they can develop into adults.


Kill Mosquitoes at Home with AutoMos 


Bring home the best mosquito solution – AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenser. Designed with an automatic mechanism, this revolutionary product won’t allow a single mosquito to enter your home. No need to look for how to prevent mosquito breeding, because AutoMos is the answer for all your mosquito control woes.


Prevent Mosquito Breeding with AutoMos


Once installed with the original AutoMos Refill, this mosquito repellent device gives you relief from all types of mosquitoes for 90 days. It is best known for offering 24x7 mosquito protection eliminating the risk of mosquito breeding and biting inside the home. Unlike other mosquito repellents that are harmful to your health, AutoMos releases 4 times less chemicals and plays no havoc on your health. It keeps not just mosquitoes but flies away from your home.




Try the tips mentioned above to prevent mosquito breeding inside your home. If you are short of time and want to secure your family from mosquito bites, then opt for something as powerful as AutoMos Mosquito Killer Machine.

Options are galore when it comes to ordering AutoMos, you can pick its super saver 365 days pack, starter pack, and refill super saver pack. All these products are available online at HiCare, Flipkart, and Amazon. So, book your pack of AutoMos to prevent mosquitoes and their breeding inside your home.




1. How can I prevent mosquitoes from spreading in my home?


You can prevent mosquitoes from spreading in your home by making sure there is no standing water around your house, using screens on windows and doors, using mosquito nets while sleeping and using mosquito repellent products.


2. How do you break a mosquito breeding cycle?


To break the mosquito breeding cycle you need to eliminate their breeding sites which are stagnant water sources. This can be done by regularly emptying and cleaning out any containers that hold water such as flower pots, birdbaths and buckets. You can also use larvicides or mosquito dunks to kill mosquito larvae in standing water.


3. What kills mosquitoes in the house naturally?


Natural ways to kill mosquitoes in the house include using essential oils such as citronella, peppermint or eucalyptus using mosquito traps or zappers and keeping the house clean and free of clutter.


4. What kills mosquito eggs?


Mosquito eggs can be killed by removing or treating any standing water sources where they may have been laid. You can also use mosquito dunks or larvicides to kill the eggs and larvae in standing water.


5. What smell do mosquitoes hate?


Mosquitoes dislike the smell of certain essential oils such as citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender. They also dislike the scent of garlic, lemon and cinnamon.