Are you one of those people who have not yet found a suitable way to get rid of mosquitoes at home? Worry no more, here is the answer! Try natural mosquito repellents to control the mosquito menace at home. 


Replace your artificial mosquito products with natural mosquito repellents for complete mosquito protection, and prevention of chemical-laden mosquito products. 


In this post, we aim to talk about how to keep mosquitoes away. For this, we will enlighten you with the top 10 natural ingredients that kill mosquitoes effectively.


Pondering why we emphasize the use of natural mosquito repellents over artificial mosquito repellents. Here are some reasons for us to recommend the natural ones.


AutoMos - Mosquito Repellent Machines



5 Advantage of Using Natural Mosquito Repellents


  1. 100% Chemical-Free
  2. 100% Safe for Children and Pets
  3. Powerful Impact Against Mosquitoes
  4. No Chances of Skin Allergies or Reactions
  5. Soothing Aroma to Calm Your Senses


1. 100% Chemical-Free


The prime reason for anyone to opt for a natural mosquito repellent is to get rid of the chemicals. Whether you agree or not, the fact is that all artificial mosquito products use some kind of chemical formula, which is often harmful to your health. 


2. 100% Safe for Children and Pets


Being chemical-free, natural mosquito repellents are 100% safe for small children as well as for pets at home. Mosquito-repellent machines often use liquid refills or formulas that contain DEET which can be harmful to children and pets. So, it is better to use organic products as mosquito repellents for children. 


3. Powerful Impact Against Mosquitoes


To get fool-proof control over mosquitoes, you must book a professional mosquito control treatment. But do this only if you are unhappy with the powerful impact of natural mosquito repellents. In many cases, many home remedies are found effective to repel mosquitoes of all types. 


4. No Chances of Skin Allergies or Reactions


Another plus point of using natural ingredients as mosquito repellents is that they won’t cause you any skin reactions or allergies. You can use them without fearing any rashes or itching unlike the case of artificial mosquito repellents. 


5. Soothing Aroma to Calm Your Senses


A lesser-known benefit of using home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes is that they will calm your senses with their aroma. Most of the products that act as natural mosquito repellents are essential oils, which leave behind a soothing aroma to calm your senses and spread freshness in your home. 


So, how to get rid of mosquitoes naturally? Find the answer by reading about the following 13 best home remedies to kill mosquitoes.


Top 13 Best Natural Mosquito Repellents


  1. Camphor
  2. Lavender
  3. Eucalyptus
  4. Peppermint
  5. Garlic
  6. Basil
  7. Citronella
  8. Rosemary
  9. Lemon and Cloves
  10. Coffee Grounds
  11. Neem Oil and Coconut Oil
  12. Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar
  13. Lemongrass Leaves


1. Camphor


The number one natural ingredient that repels mosquitoes is camphor. Crush some camphor tablets and mix them with turpentine oil. Lighten up a lamp using this mixture in your home to see how easy it is to keep the mosquitoes away. 


2. Lavender


How about using something as soothing and skin-friendly as lavender essential oil as a natural mosquito repellent? Full of antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, lavender oil can be directly applied on the skin instead of an artificial mosquito repellent cream or lotion. 


3. Eucalyptus


It is one powerful ingredient used in many mosquito products. Mosquitoes can’t tolerate the strong aroma of eucalyptus oil and this helps in repelling them. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to ¼ cup of coconut oil. Use it through a spray bottle as a natural mosquito repellent spray. 


4. Peppermint


You can make an effective homemade mosquito repellent spray using a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water. Sprinkle this through a spray bottle to get rid of the mosquitoes effectively. 


5. Garlic


Eating garlic has so many health benefits. Many refrain from eating garlic due to its strong pungent smell. But the same smell is found effective in repelling mosquitoes. Boil some garlic cloves in a cup of water and strain this solution. Use this solution as an effective homemade mosquito spray. 


6. Basil


The Holy Basil or Tusli is a common plant found in almost every house. Do you know that this charismatic plant can also repel mosquitoes? Place this plant near your window to keep all types of mosquitoes away from your home.


7. Citronella


The list of best natural mosquito repellents is not over yet. Trust in the power of citronella oil extracted from the lemongrass plant to keep mosquitoes away. The citrus smell of this oil acts as a natural mosquito deterrent for your home. Citronella candles can be easily purchased from the market for the same purpose of repelling mosquitoes. 


8. Rosemary


Do not underestimate the power of rosemary stalks. Just by burning a few rosemary stalks in your home, you can get rid of mosquitoes effectively without using any chemicals. 


9. Lemon and Cloves


One of the most trusted and effective home remedies to repel mosquitoes from home is using lemon slices inserted with cloves. Place such lemon slices at different corners of your home to keep the mosquitoes away. 


10. Coffee Grounds


That aromatic coffee is not good only for sipping, it can work wonders as a natural mosquito repellent too. Try spreading some coffee grounds in stagnant water inside or outside your home to kill the mosquito larvae breeding there.


11. Neem Oil and Coconut Oil


You can rely on the powerful combination of neem oil and coconut oil to repel mosquitoes naturally. Mix both these oils in equal quantities with water and fill it in a spray bottle to use as a body mosquito spray. The smell of both these oils will not let mosquitoes buzz around you for several hours.


12. Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar


Another kitchen ingredient that can help you stay away from mosquitoes is white vinegar. To use vinegar as an organic mosquito repellent, you need to mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 3:1. Pour the prepared liquid into a spray bottle and spray it on the exposed part of your body to keep the mosquitoes away. You may also try this trick with apple cider vinegar.


13. Lemongrass Leaves


Easily available in India, lemongrass leaves are magical when it comes to repelling mosquitoes of all types. You need to crush these leaves to extract their oil and apply that oil to your skin directly to keep the mosquitoes away. The best thing is that lemongrass oil acts as a natural mosquito repellent for several hours in a stretch without any need for reapplication on the same day.




We assume you just learned in detail about how to get rid of mosquitoes naturally. But if you find these natural ingredients ineffective against mosquitoes, then what is the other option? In that case, try using the ultimate mosquito repellent called AutoMosTagged as India’s 1st automatic mosquito repellent dispenser, AutoMos is not 100% chemical-free but emits 4 times less chemicals as compared to other mosquito-killing products. 


Available easily for online purchase at HiCare, AutoMos allows you to keep your windows and doors open 24x7 without letting a single mosquito enter your home. So, if you want to make your home mosquito-free without putting your family in danger using chemical-rich mosquito repellents, go for AutoMos.




1. What ingredient kills mosquitoes?


There are several ingredients that are effective in killing mosquitoes including pyrethroids such as permethrin and deltamethrin, organophosphates like malathion and carbamates like propoxur. These ingredients are commonly used in insecticides and repellents.


2. How do I get rid of 100% mosquitoes?


It is difficult to completely eliminate all mosquitoes but there are several measures you can take to significantly reduce their numbers. These include removing standing water where mosquitoes breed using insecticides and repellents, wearing protective clothing and using mosquito nets.


3. What smell kills mosquitoes?


There are several smells that mosquitoes are repelled by including citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint and lemon. These scents can be found in essential oils, candles and other products that can be used to repel mosquitoes.


4. What colors do mosquitoes hate?


Mosquitoes are not attracted to or repelled by any specific colors but they are attracted to dark colors such as black, navy blue and red because they provide good contrast against the sky and foliage. It is recommended to wear light-colored clothing to reduce the likelihood of attracting mosquitoes.


5. What kills mosquito eggs?


Mosquito eggs can be killed by using larvicides which are chemicals that are designed to kill mosquito larvae before they hatch into adults. These chemicals can be applied to standing water where mosquitoes breed such as ponds, pools and other sources of stagnant water. Some commonly used larvicides include methoprene, temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti).