Living in India, a country with an immense mosquito population without using mosquito repellent means giving these blood suckers an open invitation to bite you. Once bitten, you may fall prey to mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, chikungunya, or malaria. So, basically, no one likes to take this big risk!


Based on different requirements, people use different insect repellents such as liquid refill vaporizers, coils, mosquito sprays, mats, and flash cards. Although a new product, AutoMos has gained immense popularity by scoring higher than other popular mosquito repellents in the market as a unique mosquito repellent dispenser. It has given tough competition to the previously ruling mosquito-repellent liquid vaporizers in terms of chemical composition, side effects, and affordability.


Read on to learn which is better out of the two: AutoMos mosquito repellent machine or any mosquito liquid vaporizer machine?



Table of Contents


Try HiCare AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenser


If you want total protection against dengue mosquitoes this rainy season, then bring home the most powerful AutoMos mosquito repellent dispenser. Not just in the rainy season, it helps to repel mosquitoes away in all seasons without restricting you from even closing your windows fearing the entry of these bloodsuckers. 


AutoMos Mosquito Killer Machine Vs. Mosquito Repellent Liquid Vaporizer


AutoMos is India’s 1st automatic mosquito repellent dispenser launched by HiCare, a renowned pest control company. On the other hand, a mosquito liquid vaporizer is a machine that consists of a heating element and a compartment where the liquid refill is placed and heated to release vapours that help repel mosquitoes. It was the basic difference in the definition of both these popular mosquito control products. 


Listed below is a detailed AutoMos Vs. Mosquito Liquid Vaporizer in terms of various features and parameters:


1.     Active Ingredients: The active ingredient used in AutoMos refill is 12% Transfluthrin, which is low persistency pyrethroid insecticide, whereas mosquito liquid refills are filled with Transfluthrin 1.6%, Deororised kerosene, benzyl acetal, and dimethyl octadlen.

Winner: AutoMos is the winner for using fewer chemicals as compared to chemicals used in liquid refills

2.     Effectiveness: AutoMos offers 24x7 mosquito protection even with open windows; whereas the liquid vaporizer repels mosquitoes only in a room with closed windows.

Winner: AutoMos is more effective in repelling mosquitoes without restricting you to shut your windows and doors closed

3.     Convenience: AutoMos is an automatic dispenser that works on its own once installed; whereas you need to switch ON/OFF the liquid repellent machines every time before and after the use.

Winner: AutoMos is a clear winner for its hassle-free and automatic operation

4.     Affordability: One refill of AutoMos costs Rs. 450, and it lasts for 90 days, so it costs Rs. 5 per day (Rs. 450/90 = 5); whereas one refill of mosquito liquid vaporizer costs approx. Rs. 85 and works for 10-12 days, so it is more expensive than AutoMos.

Winner: AutoMos is a more affordable mosquito repellent than a liquid vaporizer

5.     Long-Lasting: One original AutoMos refill offers 90 days of non-stop mosquito protection; whereas one refill of liquid vaporizer lasts for 10-12 days only.

Winner: AutoMos is better than vaporizer because its refill lasts longer

6.     Side Effects: AutoMos doesn’t make anyone suffer from side effects, whereas liquid repellents release fumes, and smell that often cause respiratory issues, asthma allergies, sore throat, and eye irritation.

Winner: AutoMos stands as a clear winner for being a safer mosquito repellent as compared to mosquito liquid repellents

7.     Smell: The best thing about AutoMos is that it doesn’t release any smell or fumes; whereas mosquito liquid vaporizers release vapours that are strong in smell to repel mosquitoes.

Winner: AutoMos being a no-smell mosquito repellent machine scores higher than any smell-releasing mosquito liquid vaporizer machine

8.     Toxic Levels: AutoMos claims to release 4 times less chemicals in each spray, whereas, mosquito liquid repellent machines release continuous chemicals that are harmful to human beings and the environment as well.

Winner: AutoMos is a clear winner as it releases less chemicals than liquid vaporizers


HiCare AutoMos is Better than Mosquito Repellent Liquid Vaporizer


So, the verdict is clear enough! Seeing the comparison table shared above, we found that AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Machine is better than any mosquito-repellent liquid vaporizer machine. Be it in terms of efficiency, safety, side effects or affordability, AutoMos scores high than a repellent vaporizer.




Feel free to order AutoMos, its refill, or any combo packs online from HiCareAmazonFlipkart, and Meesho. If you order these products now, you will get them at discount offers. So, hurry, and order AutoMos now and replace your mosquito liquid vaporizer with it for better results and less toxic effects.