You will hardly find a home in India that doesn’t use mosquito repellent. Why so? The reason for this is simple because ours is a country with a tropical climate that is favourable for mosquitoes to grow and survive in huge numbers. 


Insect repellents are sold in a lot of varieties and huge quantities every single day in India because no one wants to get bitten by mosquitoes and fall prey to diseases like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. But, when you buy a mosquito repellent for home, how do you know it is going to be the best mosquito killer? 


This post aims to help you understand what all you can expect from a quality mosquito repellent machine and which is the best mosquito killer for your home right now! 


Table of Contents


Order AutoMos - The Best Mosquito Repellent for Home


Forget about searching different hacks for mosquito prevention, protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites by installing the super-effective AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenser. It is an innovative mosquito control product from the house of HiCare that releases 4 times less chemicals and offers 24x7 mosquito protection even with open windows and doors. It has all that you look for in a quality mosquito repellent device, try it to believe us!


8 Things to Expect from a Quality Indoor Mosquito Repellent


The main highlight of a quality mosquito killer for home is that it saves you from mosquito bites without causing any side effects. Apart from this, what else you can expect from the best mosquito-repellent device indoors? Have a look to understand this:


1.     Effectiveness: The first thing you can expect from a quality mosquito repellent is effectiveness. It should be capable of preventing mosquito bites and saving you from vector-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. 

2.     Long-Lasting Protection: A good mosquito killer for the home also offers long-lasting protection. It works for continuous hours to let you sleep, work, and spend quality time with your family. 

3.     Mosquito Protection with Open Windows: A quality mosquito repellent like AutoMos protects you from mosquitoes even if you keep your windows and doors open. It doesn’t restrict you to keep your windows to protect yourself from mosquito bites. 

4.     Minimum Odour: Another key quality of an effective mosquito repellent is that it releases minimum smell causing less chances for respiratory allergies to the inhabitants of the house. AutoMos scores the highest in this quality, as it emits no smell at all when ON.

5.     Less Chemicals: Not to forget that while a good mosquito repellent has to be effective in safeguarding you against mosquito bites, it also must use less chemicals for this protection. In short, the best mosquito repellent like AutoMos uses 4 times less chemicals as compared to other heavily-loaded insect repellents, which are neither good for us nor the environment.

6.     Safety: You can also expect a good mosquito repellent to be 100% safe. It should be safe to be used in a child’s room, or in a home where there are elderly, pregnant women, or pets. It should not release harmful smoke, fumes, or gases. 

7.     Easy to Use: Another quality seen in a good mosquito repellent device is that it is easy to install and use. There is no need to change the mat, refill, or clean the zapper every time before or after use. Something like AutoMos which is installed and forgotten for a good 90 days because the refill needs replacement after 90 days.

8.     Affordable: We do not recommend overlooking the quality for the sake of affordability, so a quality mosquito repellent would be one that is a combination of both. Take, for instance,AutoMos Starter Pack, which comes with the super-effective battery-operated mosquito repellent machine andoriginal AutoMos Refill. Using AutoMos will cost you just Rs. 5 per day (Rs. 450/ 90 days), which means the best mosquito protection at an affordable price. 


AutoMos Mosquito Repellent - The All-in-One Mosquito Prevention Device


If you want one mosquito killer that has all these above-mentioned qualities, then pick HiCare AutoMos or its Super Combo Pack for 365 Days. It is super-effective, long-lasting, has no smell and uses less chemical formula that ensures 100% safety. This is not all, AutoMos is easy to use and is affordably priced. 




Options are galore when it comes to ordering AutoMos online. You can order it from the official portal of HiCare, Amazon, Flipkart, or Meesho. Install it in your own home, or office, or gift it to someone dear and that person will thank you for this ultimate mosquito protection device. Users across the country are happy using it and have given it a 5*/5 Review Rating as it scores high in all parameters that one expects in a good mosquito repellent for home




1. What to look for when buying mosquito repellent?


When buying mosquito repellent, look for ingredients like DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Consider the concentration of active ingredients and the duration of protection offered. Choose a product suitable for your intended use, whether it's for outdoor activities or indoor protection.


2. What makes good mosquito repellent?


A good mosquito repellent contains effective active ingredients that deter mosquitoes from biting. It should provide long-lasting protection and be safe for use on skin or clothing. Additionally, a good repellent should be easy to apply and have minimal side effects.


3. How do I choose the best mosquito repellent?


To choose the best mosquito repellent, consider factors such as the concentration of active ingredients, duration of protection, application method, and your own skin sensitivity. Look for products recommended by reputable sources and read customer reviews for feedback on effectiveness.


4. How do you measure the effectiveness of mosquito repellent?


The effectiveness of mosquito repellent is measured by its ability to prevent mosquito bites. This can be assessed through controlled laboratory testing and field trials. Factors such as the duration of protection, number of mosquito bites prevented, and user satisfaction contribute to measuring effectiveness.


5. Is mosquito repellent 100% effective?


Mosquito repellent is not 100% effective, but it can significantly reduce the risk of mosquito bites when used correctly. Factors such as the type of repellent, concentration of active ingredients, application method, and environmental conditions can affect its effectiveness. Combining repellent use with other mosquito control measures can enhance protection.