India, with its tropical climate, lets us enjoy a variety of seasons. Some people like winters, some summers, and some are fond of monsoons. But do you know which season mosquitoes prefer? As the temperature starts soaring and the air becomes humid, the maddening buzz of these pesky creatures can be heard all around inside and outside your home.


So keeping these parameters in mind, we find that mosquito season in India starts in the summer months of March/April and is in full force by the monsoon months of September. It is the time of the year when mosquitoes breed rapidly.


These blood-sucking tiny beasts tend to grow in population as summer peaks and monsoon rings the bell. A nuisance for humankind, their bites not only leave an itchy sensation but can also cause diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, and Brain Fever. Read on to learn how to prepare for the mosquito season with the best mosquito repellent.


AutoMos - Mosquito Repellent Machines



When is Mosquito Season in India?


In India, the mosquito season generally coincides with the monsoon or rainy season, which typically starts in June and lasts through September or early October, depending on the region. During this time, there is an increase in standing water, which serves as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


The increased humidity and warmer temperatures during the monsoon season also create favorable conditions for mosquitoes to thrive. Mosquito-borne illnesses such as dengue, chikungunya, and malaria are more prevalent during this time.


7 Best Tips to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in the Rainy Season


Listed below are some tips found effective for mosquito control in the monsoons:


  1. Prevent Standing Water
  2. Wear Protective Clothing
  3. Trim Down Your Lawn
  4. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents at Home
  5. Use Mosquito Nets
  6. Keep Your Surroundings Clean
  7. Seek Professional Help


1. Prevent Standing Water


With rain comes the chance of standing water everywhere. Unfortunately, these water puddles are preferred by mosquitoes to breed at a rapid speed. So, take the hint from here and prevent standing water inside or outside your home. It will minimize the chances of mosquitoes breeding around you.


2. Wear Protective Clothing


When it comes to preventing mosquito bites, there is nothing better than wearing protective clothing. The idea here is to minimize skin exposure. Doing so makes it difficult and almost impossible for mosquitoes to bite you.


3. Trim Down Your Lawn


It indeed looks lovely to see rainwater dripping on the garden outside. But do not let the same garden be a mosquito hideout for your home. Make sure to cut the grasses in your lawn to prevent mosquitoes from hiding behind the overgrown bushes ready to enter your house


4. Use Natural Mosquito Repellents at Home


For people who hate using artificial mosquito repellents, the best way to stay protected against mosquitoes is to use ingredients that act as natural repellents. For instance, neem oil, cloves, coffee, garlic, peppermint, etc.


5. Use Mosquito Nets


Sleeping under a mosquito net can protect you from mosquito bites while you sleep. You can also use mosquito nets for doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.


6. Keep Your Surroundings Clean


Keeping your surroundings clean can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your area. Cut tall grass and weeds, trim shrubs and bushes and remove any trash or debris that can accumulate water.


7. Seek Professional Help


If you have a severe mosquito infestation, it is best to seek professional help. Pest control professionals can use insecticides and other treatments to get rid of mosquitoes in and around your home.


HiCare AutoMos Offers 24x7 Mosquito Protection


You just learned about some ways of minimizing the danger of getting bitten by a mosquito. So, is there any product that can end all your worries about mosquito bites, at least when you are indoors? Yes, there is HiCare AutoMos Mosquito Repellent Dispenser!


AutoMos is India's 1st and only automatic mosquito repellent dispenser with a smart light sensor. The main highlight of this amazing product is that it releases fewer chemicals and still provides better mosquito protection than other repellents.


HiCare AutoMos: One Machine and 7 Features


AutoMos is one compact machine that offers seven unique features never seen before in any other mosquito repellent device. Have a look at its ultimate mosquito protection features:

1.     Automatic Operation: Works automatically with a light sensor, and there is no need to switch it on and off every single day


2.     Customizable Spray Frequency: Option to choose a spray frequency (30, 60, 90, 120 minutes)


3.     24x7 Mosquito Control: HiCare AutoMos is best known for offering 24x7 mosquito protection at home, even with open windows


4.     Less Chemical Release: Unlike other mosquito repellents, AutoMos releases four times fewer chemicals


5.     Hassle-free Installation: Just hang it on a wall above 7 to 8 feet from the ground, insert the batteries, and refill before switching it on, and that's it


6.     Non-Stop Mosquito Protection for 90 Days: Enjoy uninterrupted 90 mosquito-free days with a single original AutoMos Refill


7.     No Irritating Smell: On top of it, this revolutionary mosquito control product doesn’t emit any smell that might irritate those allergic to smells


Buy AutoMos for Complete Mosquito Prevention


Order AutoMos machine or its refills online from various platforms such as HiCare, Amazon, Flipkart and Meesho.


Have a look at the price of AutoMos machine, refill, and super saver packs offered by HiCare:


AutoMos Product Range Original Price Launch Price
AutoMos Starter Pack Rs. 1,399 Rs. 999
AutoMos Machine Rs. 800 Rs. 750
AutoMos Super Saver Pack for 365 Days Rs. 3,199 Rs. 2,299
AutoMos 1 Refill Rs. 600 Rs. 449
AutoMos 3 Refill Combo Pack for 270 Days Rs. 1,800 Rs. 1,249
AutoMos 4 Refill Combo Pack for 365 Days Rs. 2,400 Rs. 1,599




In a nutshell, the best way to prevent dengue, malaria, and chikungunya during the mosquito season is by installing an AutoMos machine at home. It is enough to take care of indoor mosquito protection. Try wearing protective clothing and applying some mosquito-repelling essential oils to keep these flying pests away when you step out during the mosquito season.




1. When is mosquito season and how long does it last?


Mosquito season varies depending on location and climate but generally it starts in late spring or early summer and lasts until fall. In some areas mosquitoes can be active year round. It is important to know when mosquito season is in your area so that you can prepare accordingly.


2. What are some ways to prevent mosquito bites?


There are several ways to prevent mosquito bites including wearing long sleeved clothing, using insect repellent and avoiding outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours. You can also use mosquito nets on windows and doors and remove standing water from around your home to eliminate breeding sites for mosquitoes.


3. What types of insect repellent are most effective against mosquitoes?


Insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus are the most effective at repelling mosquitoes. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label and reapply as needed.


4. How can I prevent mosquitoes from breeding in my yard?


To prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your yard remove any standing water from containers, gutters or other areas where water can collect. Change the water in bird baths and pet dishes regularly and keep swimming pools properly chlorinated. You can also use mosquito dunks or larvicides in areas where water cannot be removed such as ponds or fountains. Planting mosquito repelling plants like citronella, lavender and mint can also help reduce the mosquito population in your yard.


5. What should I do if I get bitten by a mosquito?


If you get bitten by a mosquito clean the area with soap and water and apply an anti itch cream or calamine lotion to reduce itching and swelling. If you experience symptoms such as fever, headache or body aches seek medical attention as these could be signs of a mosquito borne illness.